Weekend Assorted Links

1. Johnny Manziel’s wife denies she cheated at a half marathon, stands by world record pace. Funny headline, sad trend. Prolly the prevaricator President’s fault.

2. Comparing transit levels across U.S. cities. 3.5 out of every 100 workers in my fair city of Olympia, WA commute to work by bicycle, fifth best in the Specific Northwest. I guess the fourth person bikes one way and drives the other.

3. The official fast food French fry power rankings.

4. How to turn schools into happier places. Respond to conflicts in non-punitive ways. Work to improve school climate. An aside, I can’t remember the last time I heard the Prevaricator-in-Chief say anything at all about public schooling. Which, I greatly appreciate.

5. This is very good news for me.

6. Yes please.

7. What does it cost to repair a Tesla? Invoice at 6:44.